Eva Huang


I am reading the book by Tolley, Stuart. It has the interview with magazine editors as the opening.

With great curiority, I started to read the online city tour guide by this magazine @ http://readcereal.com/city-guides/los-angeles/ as all of their print city tour guides were sold out.


Watch something on screen, be it at the movies, on TV or even on your smartphone, and the chances are that the content was made in Los Angeles. Show business is big business; the city turns over more than 800 billion US dollars a year, dwarfing the output of many nation states. Out on the palm-fringed western edge of the American dream, the City of Angels is everything you imagine it to be; glamorous, glitzy and hungry for fame. It might be expressways, beaches and beautiful people you notice first, but it’s the city’s energy you’ll remember.”

Amazing and unexpected introduction! A mixed feeling of excitement and peace arose inside.

Reading on, I regret not visiting ANY of the places on this guide. Next time visiting L.A., places below will be on my to-go list

I am still checking out places linked at the bottom of the guide. Looking forward to reading Vancouver, Bath, Bristol and Hong Kong guides as well. Highly recommend.

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